Saturday, August 30, 2008

Leavin' on a Jet Plane...

In about 8 days, I will be getting on a plane to Rehoboth, Namibia to live my life for the next season. I'm excited to find out shortly what there will look like.

As I sit down to write this, I feel unequipped to put into words the vast array of emotions I have experienced over the past few weeks and can only imagine won't be ceasing in the near future. I've been anxious and nervous as I try to picture what things will be like there - will I be able to survive, much less thrive in ministry in such a different environment? I've been grateful for and reminiscent of the last chapter of my life, and felt pangs of sadness as reality is sinking in that the Lord is directing paths in such a way that life as I've known it won't feel quite as familiar. I've felt great joy and anticipation at the prospect of building relationships with and living life alongside people who have not heard the gospel of Jesus Christ. Needless to say all of these feelings experienced in unison adds up to an overwhelmed, emotional me ;) Thank you to each of you who have been such faithful supporters, friends, and encouragers throughout the process of preparation, it is certainly not something I could ever do alone.

In the midst of all of this, the Lord has been faithful to remind me of his Sovereign goodness. To remind me that my God keeps his promises... which leads me to a verse (Psalm 33:10b) that has made me laugh multiple times over the past few days: "he (the Lord) frustrates the plans of the peoples." Those of you who have walked closely with me thus far know many details, or lack thereof, surrounding this have been frustrating to me, but really, what did I expect... my God keeps his promises ;) I have to smile as I step back and say with a united heart 'YOUR plan for YOUR glory, NOT mine.' And what a comfort it is to know that this God, who faithfully keeps these covenants, has promised to be my sustenance, source of joy, and soul satisfaction if I will allow Him.

I'll let the end of the passage be my finale...
Our soul waits for the LORD; he is our help and our shield.
For our heart is glad in him, because we trust in his holy name.
Let your steadfast love, O LORD, be upon us, even as we hope in you.

Eager to share stories of triumph and toil from my new home shortly,


Anonymous said...

May the LORD bless you and keep you; May the LORD make His face to shine upon you and be gracious to you; May the LORD shine His upon you and give you peace.

Cathi Geisler said...

yay I found you! I LOVE that CS Lewis quote -- my friend Missy (the one in Young Life) quotes it ALL the time. you guys should probably be e-friends...

Anonymous said...

We are so proud and love you so much. Stay strong. Hope every day gets "just a little better."
love and hugs, Mom and Dad

Anonymous said...

i love you mac, we are praying for you at bfast at the partin home and are excited about your Biiiig Plane ride today.

Anonymous said...

Glad you landed safe and sound. The pictures are great We are ready to shop for whatever you need. Start the list. Love you bunches. Nancy, Van, and Kathy

Anonymous said...


We're so happy to see you made it safe and sound - hope the trip was not that bad - did the oatmeal cookies make it??? We are thinking of you and keeping you in our prayers. We'll miss you at Jackie's wedding - I let you know all the details. Take care and we love you lots. The Fosters MKNNTJJ

Anonymous said...

Look what I learned how to do. I check in with your blog site every week. It makes me feel better to see your face. I'm loving the earrings! Be safe and be strong. I love you, your fav godmother