Saturday, November 22, 2008


My perspective on how things are going here changes on a daily (sometimes hourly!) basis. Some days I feel like things are really great: like God is near and at work in the people around me, and that he is growing me in really refreshing ways. Other days are a bit harder, and include feelings of hopelessness and heaviness, frustration at language barriers, and inability to share life giving words with people I meet. And while I certainly don’t enjoy the up and down roller coaster of these feelings, I have found beauty in one thing: my feelings are only my perspective of what is going on around me. Truth tells me that God is near whether I feel him or not. God is at work in the hearts of people here in Rehoboth whether I see the fruit of it or not. God is working out his Sovereign purposes here, and it is a privilege to be a part of it, and even get glimpses of it as he sees fit to reveal it to me. And so in times when my feelings don’t align with truth (which is more often than I wish!), I plead with the Lord to give me a Kingdom perspective: his eyes, his heart, his wisdom, his responses… and I will continue to plead for these things as long as I am on this journey of sanctification.


Anonymous said...

Sometimes you can only see God in the "rearview"!
This thought occured to me the other day........
Loving you.
your favorite auntie Mary

Anonymous said...

mack, i love you!! : ) i will definitely miss sharing in those moments with you and venting out our frustrations together...i love that you continue to struggle with it all though, never letting yourself feel comfortable.

love you much,

Anonymous said...

I can't get over how beautiful the children there are. Remember, God plans in His own time, not ours. You're doing wonderful work. Be happy, stay strong. GILYP
Your fav SMI