Thursday, January 15, 2009

A few fun pictures!

Kristen and I found a giraffe on the side of the road to jump in front of :) Can you see it in the background?

Last week my team had the sweet opportunity to make around 200 peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and take them to Block E (the poorest section of Rehoboth). It was great to be able to give these people something, as we sought to share the gospel with them as well.

I'm back to helping out at St. Mary's, and arrived on the unit on Tuesday to find little Amalia asleep on the floor in the hallway! This sweet girl has been in the hospital since I arrived and the nurses think she'll be around until March or April.

Last Monday, my teammate MollyBea had a little run-in with this road sign involving a trip to the Casualty Room (ER), some stitches, a big bump on the head, and a good laugh (after making sure she was okay, of course!)

Holiday is officially over and school is back in session as of this week! This is our host sister, Jemca, on her first day of school! She was so excited and looked SO adorable in her little uniform!

That's all for now!
Much Love,