Friday, October 31, 2008

Buy A Donkey

Okay, so really the phrase is spelled ‘Baie Dankie’… but that is exactly how it sounds! It means ‘Thank You!’ in Afrikaans, and always makes me laugh hearing people say it to one another.

Anyways, I just wanted to send a BIG ‘Baie Dankie’ to my Grandpa, who for his birthday asked for donations for the soup kitchen, and to feed people here. I have been able to buy more meat for the porridge, carrots, and potatoes. I have also been able to get apples each week for the kids at Lebensschule, who in many cases are not fed outside of what they are given at school. Many thanks also go out to my family who gave money… it will be put to use feeding people for months to come!! Thanks again!

Here is a picture of some of the kids we served this week – they all run to the tent straight from school to get their bowls filled with soup:

Also, the rainy season officially began last week! It has been a glorious relief from the intense heat, and I have been thrilled for the moisture in the air. It has rained nearly every day since it started, bringing clouds with it, but the rain only lasts about an hour before clearing off. Reminds me of Colorado rains. Because it rains hard and the sun returns quickly, there are rainbows almost every day. This is a picture of one I saw outside my window on Wednesday… isn’t it beautiful!Much Love,


Anonymous said...

You have the greatest pictures. The rainbow is beautiful and the children are darling. The slide show is fab. I check in with it every week. Keep it up! Stay strong, be happy.

Anonymous said...

HILARIOUS!!! When my fam was in Africa last summer we rode on table mountain - a gondola type thing in Cape Town and the whole ride they would say things in English and then in Afrikaans. They kept saying, "Thank you Dankie" - needless to say, it's a common phrase among the Severinson kids now - Thank you donkey - HA! So glad you can share in that. LOVE YOU